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How to progress in pole dancing? 5 infallible tips

How to progress in pole dancing? 5 infallible tips

If there is one question that constantly comes up in the life of every pole dancer that exists, it is: how to progress in Pole Dance ?

Whether you are a beginner or an expert, the goal is to always improve. Practicing regularly , adapting your physical preparation or listening to yourself are some of the techniques that allow you to reach a better level quickly. But that's not all ! Discover in this article all these tips that will help you boost your progress in pole dancing .

Regular pole dancing is the key to success

practice pole dancing

This first piece of advice seems cliché, but nevertheless, it is the reality. Your progress in pole dancing will go hand in hand with your practice. Only regular training will allow you to obtain both visible and lasting results.

It is advisable to train at least once or twice a week to hope for a good evolution. Between each session, give your body some rest . Your muscles will then be able to build and you will be able to avoid injuries. In addition to these benefits, regular practice allows your skin to become accustomed to contact with the bar. You will then better resist the burns and bruises experienced by all practitioners. In the jargon, this has the sweet name of pole kiss .

These sometimes prevent you from moving forward because of the discomfort felt in maintaining certain figures. Over time, you will see that you will have almost no pain during your classes. You can then work on the different sequences for longer.

Have the adequate physical preparation to progress in this sport

How to Strengthen These Muscles for Pole Dancing

The higher your level, the more strength you will need. It is therefore essential to include a few muscle strengthening sessions in your pole dance training schedule . Performing targeted exercises for 30 to 45 minutes per week will be more than enough.

The back and the biceps

For you to be able to pull yourself up on the pole, your back and your biceps must be sufficiently developed. If you have access to a gym, the vertical pulling movement is particularly interesting. Pull-ups, assisted or not by a rubber band, are also perfect for your training.

Forearms and wrists

These are constantly called upon during your lessons. They allow you to grip the bar firmly without letting go. A lack of tone in this area of ​​your anatomy can penalize you on the figures to be performed.
Perfect your grip by using stress balls or a weight. If you opt for the second solution, put your forearm on a flat surface, your wrist in a vacuum. Drop your hand down to the ground and perform full squats with the weight.

Abdominal strap and lower back

These different muscle groups are particularly used at each session. So build your abs by all possible means: plank, sheathing, crunch, etc. To cultivate your lower back, lying on your stomach, do simultaneous arm and straight leg raises.

lower body

Focusing on your lower body helps maintain leg strength, which is great for climbing on the apparatus. In this sense, squats and all its variations are to be preferred. Each repetition works the quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings at the same time.

Gain flexibility to succeed in tricks

flexibility is important in pole dancing

To start pole dancing, it is not necessary to be flexible beforehand. Nevertheless, after a few months of practice, the lack of muscle extensibility can slow you down. You might find yourself stuck in setting up certain moves, like Jade or Allegra , for example. To remedy this, it is advisable to organize regular stretching sessions.

Develop your flexibility at home or with a professional

Give yourself one to two hours a week to stretch. Self-taught or with the help of a professional, there are certain exercises that allow you to become more flexible. Once again, for visible results, it is essential to be diligent.
So improve your lateral and facial gap, the flexibility of your back and your shoulders. Being flexible allows both to execute combos with ease and less injury. The aesthetic rendering will also be more marked. To keep your motivation, do not hesitate to take a picture of yourself regularly to visualize your progress.

Favor so-called active flexibility figures

If you can, incorporate some active flexibility movements into your workouts. These require a contraction of the muscle you want to stretch. To increase your flexibility, review regularly:
  • the Chopstick ;
  • jade ; _
  • the Duchess;
  • the Eagle ;
  • the Cocoon , etc.

These poses look awesome, yet you don't need to have your splits to try them. Indeed, stretching by contracting the entire muscle chain of your legs allows you to go further in the gap and, ultimately, to become more flexible.

Film yourself regularly to improve

Despite the many mirrors present in the studio or those that you will install at home, it is sometimes not easy to look at yourself with a bar that turns on itself (in spin) and to spot your mistakes and shortcomings at the same time.
Filming yourself is therefore a great help. The video makes it easier to visualize the faults. You will then quickly understand why you are not succeeding in a particular movement and how to position yourself to better achieve it. You may not dare to record yourself on video if you are a beginner. However, it is highly recommended! In addition to becoming aware of the areas for improvement to follow, you will be able to note your obvious evolution over the months.

Listening to yourself and not trying hard, the ultimate solution to progress in pole dancing

This last piece of advice is essential to progress in pole fitness. Don't skip the steps. If you feel that a figure is not at your level and that you will not succeed, listen to yourself. Put it aside. Give yourself some time to practice more of what you've already mastered, and you'll come back to it in a few weeks.

Pole dancing is an explosive practice. If after an hour of class you feel that you have less energy, do not get into overly technical combos. It's the best way to get hurt. You will try them at the next session! Finally, take breaks whenever you feel the need. This is always beneficial. You will come back even stronger, ready to face the Aysha , the Iron X and why not the Rainbow Marchenko !

  • Merci beaucoup pour tous ces précieux conseils

    Silvia Mellot Hauser on
  • Muy bueno

    Yo hace 4 años lo practico .lo recomiendo es genial on
  • Hello je vous conseil à tous pour une salle de sport à l’écoute et pédagogue la salle de sport coaching sportif bordeaux

    séline on

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